On the HOLLYWIERD CD, Bobby used Fender Basses, Ampeg Amps & Cabs, Dunlop Pics, Dean Markley and
GHS strings.
Without the bassist, there is nothing to give a piece of music a full 3d sound.
That person is just as important as the guitarist or the drummer. It adds a portion to the music that makes it whole. Keeping
that in mind, Bobby does that beautifully with those 4-string masterpieces. To me, Bobby seems like the most down-to-earth
and the most sane and decent one in the group. Right now, that is. To keep in mind his comment about Pam and Bret's video:
"I think that a video of someone fucking Pam...is pretty cool. I mean, he got to fuck the ultimate bitch." Just
don't let Bret hear that..