Full Name: Richard Alan Ream Birthday: August 8, 1961 Birthplace: Harrisburg, Pa. Family:
Mom Margaret, Dad Norman, and sister Vicky Girlfriend: Malina Shirley Origin: German and Welsh On the Hollywierd
CD, Rikki used Innovation Drums, D.W.(Hardware & Pedals), Saiban Cymbals, Remo (Drum Heads), Slug Percussion (Beaters &
Badges), Grip Peddler, Trick, Pintech, Lucid Audio, Audix, Drum Perfect Groove Guide, E-Pad, Linn Guitars, Vaccaro Guitars,
Rhythm Roots.
I was really annoyed when in BTM I could only get a real good idea about only C.C.
and Bret. Not Rikki. Ohh no, Rikki's just the drummer; he doesn't need to be up in the limelight. *buzzer sound* Wrong answer!
Without him, the backbone of the band falls out beneath everyone. He's not much of a psycho, rarely drinks heavily, and doesn't
do drugs...well, now, anyway. Rocko, here, oh poor Rocko, had a hard time getting girls during the 2001 Metal Sludge tour.
To top it off, when a girl walks into the tour bus, it just happens to be a freak with C-4 supposedly hidden in her....well,
pleasure toy that she brought along. It turned out to be a gag.
One of Rikki's main interests is Martial arts. I do not know that much of his training,
only that when he was a kid, he and his father enrolled in an Isshinryu Karate dojo, and that he now takes Brazillian Judo.
I myself have had some dealing with Isshinryu. Rikki has a knack
for painting....I guess you could say he's the artist of the band. He painted the Drum set he's currently touring around with.
Self proclaimed freak, he loves painting one thing more than others; toilet seats. I'm not kidding, check out his website
and don't say I didn't warn ya!