Full Name: Bruce Anthony Johansson
Birthdate: May 14, 1962 Birthplace:
Brooklyn, New York Family: Brother George, Sister-in-law Michelle, Mother Susan, Father George
Sr. First Concert: Kiss Musical Influence: Kiss Musical Influence(Guitarists): Jeff Beck, Lee Pickens of Bloodrock, Jimmy
Page, Les Paul, Roy Buchanan Favorite Guitarists: Eric Clapton, Eric Johnson Current Favorites: Cinderella, Motley Crue, Cheap Trick, The Ramones
Quote "A world without Poison? Grey, dull, mundane. A world
that would welcome death. There would be the absence of a standard by which greatness is judged." C.C used Gmp Guitars,
Crate amps & cabs, Dunlop pics and Dean Markley Strings on the recent HOLLYWIERD album
has one hell of a cocky attitude. He's what psychologists call a 'control freak', and likes everything his way. That got him
kicked out of POISON after seven years of bickering and quarreling with the other 'control freak' in the group, Bret. He's
still got an unrivaled air about him, backing it up with riffs that make the ladies cry. So how'd he get with the group? "We
were real poor, living from day to day." Bret recounts, "One day, we decided to audition a lead guitarist. Bobby was our bassist.
C.C. got the trial run and one night we were at the rehearsal hall practicing. Up shows C.C. without any of the music we had
given him before to learn. He just plugged in his amp and starting playing this riff. I got pissed off at him and left. Having
no car, I sat on the curb listening to the riff until I fell in love with it. Out of that came TALK DIRTY TO ME and landed
C.C. a spot in our band." One of the few reasons I got off my ass and decided to pick up my guitar and do something myself.
You ROCK C.C.!!! (loud cheering) He is one hell of a guy, ain't he?