Hollywierd Blvd
Recent Updates
The Road Report
Bret Michaels
CC DeVille
Rikki Rockett
Bobby Dall
Group Shots
What the Hell?
POISON Tour Schedule

Yes, that is me....sort of.

"Holy hell, NOT AGAIN!"

Yeah, you heard me right. This has happened to me before. Just not here. Since it has, I moved to a slightly different location so that I'd be able to expand on what I have now. I've heard that the boys in de band are going to be playing with KISS this year; I'm sorry to miss it, but I know that this newfound reunion with Sammy Hagar and Eddie Van Halen won't last the year, so it's good to get in while you can. I've got the barest of minimums right now, but please bear with me. I went and saved most of the site on my hardrive anyway, thankfully. Well, back to work!
6/10/04 Put all the pictures up. Started to finish the HOLLYWIERD discography section. I realized that I have a picture of Bret, Bobby and Rikki all at the same 'location', probably from a magazine or something similar to that. if anyone has one, or know if one of CC actually exists, please tell. I'll slam my head into the wall for you all later..
Here are those pictures again, if you were wondering.

Name: Call me whatever the hell you did before...no, wait, call me Sixx.
Age: 16..ish
Height: Taller than CC
Music Intrests: Other than the obvious, Aerosmith and Van Halen, as well as too many others than I could count.
Whatever the Hell Else: A wise man once said "Virtue is its own punishment." But then again, he also had another saying. "Another triumph for truth, justice, and automatic weapons." That man is not altogether wise....nor intellegent....or much else. But he introduced me to Van Halen, which introduced me to Poison. So I can't blame him for much.

"I Got Your *#%$@& Disclaimer RIGHT HERE!!"
Off on another subject......
I do NOT claim to be all-knowing about Poison and all the crazy ass stuff they've done. For the most part, as you can probably tell, I wasn't even alive for it. But my appriciation of these guys runs pretty deep, so I took a chunk out of my life to dedicate a small site to 'em. E-mail me if you've got any info or help. It would be greatly thanked.
Sincerely, The Webmaster..
Oh, and one more thing....
If you have any fan art, I will try to, try to make a fan art section. providing I can get enough art. Any 80's hair metal-type band will do, but POISON, as usual, is perfered.
Party Hard, my friends. Party Hard.