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Bret Michaels
CC DeVille
Rikki Rockett
Bobby Dall
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What the Hell?

Did Bret Just say That?



(May 25, 2003)

Bret walks up to the mic, 12-string in hand, and launches into an intro for Something to Believe In. About fifteen seconds or so into the song, the electric keyboard gives off this horrendous feedback that deafens everyone a little.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, stop." Bret says, looking back at the keyboardist and motioning with one hand. "Now this man," He starts, putting an arm around the guy. "Has been terrific. It's been a long tour (This was the second stop) and it's been really tiring, so let's just give him a hand.

Ok, now we're going to start the song again, and if I hear feedback, we'll kick your ass, ok? Good." He smiles innocently, sending the crowd into laughter. 

VH1's Fairway To Heaven IX

(webmaster apologizes for the butchering of names)

Bobby Dall (on his goal for the game) : "I just want to beat Bret."

Admar Halieem((1rst spelling mistake!)) : "Why?"

Bobby: "Bragging rights on the tour bus, of course!"

AH: "What'd you mean?"

Bobby: "Well, Bret has something called 'lead singer disease.' Every singer gets it. I just wanna take it down a peg!" (laughs)



Bret 'Soprano' Michaels : "We're gonna make the Sopranos look like a lighthearted comedy when I'm done with this 9-Iron and Kyle McLaughlins ((another spelling mistake)) legs. *brandrashing 9-Iron* This can break bones, right? Ok, good."


Bret: "Tips for the shot...Keep your head down, have nice, clean balls...very important that you have clean balls." (Bobby is in the background doubled over laughing)


"It f*ckin ain't right, dude!" -CC



*pops open a beer* "Ah, how sweet it is!" -CC (again)



*looks at this girl drunkenly* "We've been dating for seven...seven minutes now..yeah." -Rikki



Bret signs a girl's pants. "I hope that's permanent marker." She says. "Yeah. Me too." is his reply.

After the show, each band member had their own way of cornering 'meat'. Lead guitarist C.C. DeVille would chase girls around the entire area. Drummer Rikki would stick a backstage pass onto a drumstick, and, find a girl, would toss it to her. Lucky Girl.

"When you're performing in an arena and the entire audience is singing your own song, the one you wrote, sang, and played in, that.......nothing can equal that." Bret

"One night they were opening for Warrant and Bret had too much to drink. They did a few songs, he said, thank you, good night, and tossed me the mic. The he ran up off the stage.....bam! Right on the floor." Roadie Rikki Valentine on Bret's diabetes

"It's pretty hard to find out halfway through a tour that your guitarist is f***ing your woman." Bobby Dall on guitarist Richie's affair with his soon to be bride.

"Maybe POISON will fade away. The critics want us to. But I'd sure as hell like to piss them off one last time." Rikki

(laughing)"It wasn't shot for angles, it wasn't done for perfection, it was for us, seeing how we are 'in the moment'." Bret talking about the tape of him and Pamela Lee makin love....and speaking about makin love....

(serious) "I personally think that a tape of someone f***ing Pam.......is pretty cool......Don't publish that." Bobby



"C.C., at times, would act like such a f***ing idiot." Bret on, who else, C.C., the psycho.



"It was the house of Whores....then it was the house of Horrors." C.C. on his years spent alone in his huge ass mansion after being kicked out of Poison.



"I didn't remember a damn thing most of the time. When they told me that I sold out RedRock twice, I was like 'I did that? Wow, I'm good.'" C.C.



When on VH1's Behind The Music's anniversary special with Rikki and Bret, C.C. whipped out the cover of Samantha 7's CD and paraded it around the screen. When the camera shifted to the host, C.C. popped his hand out there and wouldn't quit advertising. Rikki and Bret were laughing their asses off.



"But seriously, you know what I like so much about Illinois? It's getting up, early in the morning, and smelling that fine reefer oil..." Bret at Tweeter Center, 6/23/02



"You guys gonna light a fire under my ass or what??" C.C., after completing his about three minutes long guitar solo, 6/23/02



"I think we're all nice people.....in general." Rikki



"I've seen a ton of things that normal people shouldn't see." Bobby



"I don't know whether to salivate or cringe!" C.C.

All of the information above was taken via VH1's Behind the music: Poison. All rights reserved.



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