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Bret Michaels

The Man Behind The Vocals

Bret - '91

Full Name: Bret Michael Sychak

Height: 5' 10''

Weight: 145 lbs.

Birthdate: March 15, 1963

Birthplace: Butler, Pennsylvania

Family: Sisters Michelle and Nichole, Father Wally and Mother Margie

Music Intrests: Kiss, Sweet, AC/DC, Aerosmith

First Album bought: Led Zepplin, 'Led Zepplin II'

First concert: Sweet

Quotes: "Do what you want. Never try to empress anyone." "Its always easier to curse the darkness than it is to light a candle."

Bret used Linn/Michaels Custom Guitars (LMG), Dean Markley strings, Legend picks, Gibson Guitars, Peavey and St. Louis Music gear on the HOLLYWIERD album.

Hot body, long blonde hair, all that a girl of 1986 could want. So why did Bret start POISON? He says he wants to go all the way. "As far as I was concerned, KISS didn't wear enough makeup." Bret told the cameras on VH1's BEHIND THE MUSIC: POISON special. "We had to have the makeup, the hair the clothes, the attitude." Hey, what guy in his right mind wouldn't want 10,000 girls a night screaming at him and taking 'trips' backstage, so to speak. heh-heh, POISON concerts were just that. Bret would describe his perfect girl to the 'entertainment director' backstage and that would be that, with the need not to go further. POISON's wild hair and make-up surpassed even Motley Crue's first video, SHE'S GOT THE LOOKS THAT KILL, even to win them the VH1's Biggest Hair Band Award, challenging Def Leppard, Ratt, Warrant, and KISS. Way to go, Bret, way to go.

Bret Michaels: Pictures